Monday, April 29, 2013

Blog Stage 7

The requirements in Texas is that the students have to pass the TAKs test in order to graduate and receive their diploma. And if they don't they will be held responsible for their intelligence and won't get it until they pass. The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word exam is how important and serious it may be. Students are expected to take these exit level exams in order to go to college. The purpose of standardized test is mainly to help guide the teachers to teach all of the basics they need to be prepared for after high school. It is an unfair way to determine on the students capability and if they should receive their diploma or not. There are many reasons why people should not base on exit level exams as a requirement in graduating high school. Does it really prove anything?There are many smart students who struggle with test anxiety. And with these exit levels exams; it is keeping away the intelligent students from graduating and holding them back from a bright future they could have had. Some may agree that taking this exit level test shows a lot in someone’s intelligence. There could be other options for the students. People make such a huge deal on these tests, making teachers focus mainly on teaching them only what’s on the test. This test takes time away from many other instructions that is really more important to help the students after they graduate. It also affects the teacher to reach to their students. In order for a teacher to really reach out to their students is when they have time to observe the weakest and the highest potential from each student in each of the subjects. Since teachers are too concerned on focusing about this test; all those times spent targeting onto the test, it could have been helping students prepare for something else. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Blog 6

I recently saw one of my colleagues Texting While Driving and I agree completely. There are many dangers in texting and driving. This cause the death rates to go higher. Texting is a distraction that causes a driver’s attention from the road. When someone is paying attention to the road and the road only, they are careful and paying attention to everything around them, other cars, signs, traffic, etc. Usually when someone is getting distracted with their phone, they are too caught up on whats going on they don't even notice whats going on around them. Texting puts the lives of the drivers around them at risk. If someone is texting and accidentally swerve into the lane next to them, sometimes the driver in the other lane cannot move over and suddenly there is a crash and it could kill both people in those two cars. I don't think anyone should ever text and drive, ever.